Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cyprus the perfect place for South Africans

With summer still in full swing in Cyprus, long sun-drenched days ease into warm lingering nights & Cyprus has been buzzing with events, festivals, live shows and everything outdoors to tempt the senses.

There are 49 Blue Flag beaches in Cyprus; and loads to offer sun-worshippers and water sport adrenalin-junkies alike. CLICK HERE for my list of the island's Top 10 beaches; then get out your calendar and plan your next holiday to ensure you spend a summer in Cyprus!

The good news is that the ZAR/EURO exchange rate is 9.44 today; and prime is 9.5% (last seen in 1979!). Your annual travel allowance (R750k) and the once off discretionary allowance (R4m) permit you to take funds offshore legally. It is the perfect time to look at property in Cyprus to compliment your offshore asset base and secure your permanent residency. CLICK HERE to see historical graphs on the exchange & prime rates. MAIL ME for more info on the permanent residency and citizenship.

And now that we're shrugging off the last icicles from winter, my free-entry information seminars have resumed. See the article below " Diary items for Sept/Oct" contact me to find out when & where they are taking place.